Share your memories and stories from your days at school, and find out the truth behind the rumours....Remember the teachers and pupils, tell us who you remember and why...

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Post by 5h17shoveller »

Not long after the theatre was built and the arrival of Duncan Noel Paton, our last lesson on a saturday morning was drama.
Some kids loved it but not me and my mates,it was a bit too much for us "manly " types.

For several weeks we would skive off down doctors lake , far better smoking and "fishing" out of the way down there than doing poncey drama.

The same happened on wednesday evenings in the summer , skiving off from chapel. There must have been hardly anyone in chapel because there were loads of seniors down the lake.

The last time I skived off drama,my mates and I decided we would hide where no one would find us !

About 4 of us sneeked into the top balcony of the theatre via the side stairs ,where it was dark and crawled along to the central area where we could watch our class mates.
After a while "Dunky" realised he was missing a few boys and decided to do a roll call.

Imagine watching that and think what was going through my mind, believe me when he called out my name I was in turmoil whether to answer just incase he fell for it , but I wouldnt have got away with it so we all stayed stoom. :oops:

I cannot remember if it was the following saturday but I do remember later about 6 boys got what they deserved in the theatre controlroom centre from him. I think we had a choice either him or DJH , so we took the soft option. 6 off him.
Can anyone else remember this, I know who one of the others was but not all ?

Any other similar stories please spill the beans :!:
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Post by sejintenej »

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