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Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:19 pm
by J.R.
So here is a question for JH.......................

Is the highly enlarged band of today, as good as 'Bill' Baileys of our day ??

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:02 pm
by jhopgood
J.R. wrote:So here is a question for JH.......................

Is the highly enlarged band of today, as good as 'Bill' Baileys of our day ??
It's difficult to compare as now they have incorporated saxophones, which we never had, and that changes the sound. They probably have the ability to play many more concert pieces than we did, but "march wise", it is pretty even.
However, whilst I am sure they have many brilliant musicians, some of whom I met when I sat in on a music class, for the 6 years I was in the band, we always had 2 trombones out of 3 in the NYO, and normally, one, possibly two, in the trumpets.
Some time ago I included a picture of the band in the OBM, when they were practising Beating the Retreat, since one girl was wearing flip flops, so I reckon that on the marching front, we had better discipline, not that we had much option.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:10 pm
by J.R.
Beating the Retreat ?

Flip-Flops ?

'Bill' Bailey ?

It just WOULDN'T have happened, John.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:42 am
by Mrs C.
jhopgood wrote:Not exactly on topic, but close.
On a recent trip to the UK I sat next to a lady who works 4 months of the year as a 24/7 carer for the elderly. She makes enough money to survive the rest of the year as a pensioner as South Africa.
One of her recent jobs was caring for someone in Blue Coat Ponds, which is located between the station and CH. She used to wheel her charge up to CH every Tuesday for the lunchtime concert.
Before I explained about CH, she thought that CH was a musical foundation and that everyone who went there did so on a musical scholarship.
Gives an idea of the standard of music at CH as seen from the outside
I was fortunate to be able to accompany the Band on the visit to Germany in the summer. Many of the people who heard and saw them were amazed that the school was not a music school.
In Trier, one elderly man told me it was by far the best concert he`d attended and asked if they were all professional musicians . When I told him their ages ranged from 13 to18 he was flabberghasted.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:50 pm
by kerrensimmonds
Jude.. there were annual Old Girls' reunions up to 1995, in London. I organised them..... There were also reunions in Oxford (2) and Horsham (2) - long before the two get togethers in Hertford last year, which was around the Museum exhibition.
After 1995, when the OGA deconstituted, members became subsumed into the CH Club (by agreement of majority of members of the OGA), having the same benefits as paid up members of the Club, if they had been Life Members of the OGA. Then the Club was taken over by the CHA, now the CHOBA - all Old Blues have equal rights, invitations to reunions, etc. etc. and the rest is history.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:20 pm
by PM
Yes, it was a final recording at the end of the boys-only era, but was mainly intended as a tribute to Malcolm McKelvey, who was leaving after many years as Director of Music. He recorded an improvisation on the chapel organ, for example, based on the leavers' hymn "Lord thou hast brought us to our journey's end". He did a beautiful job of course, pacing the climaxes, building up to full organ and shaking the rafters...I was standing in the quad at the time, and the organ door was rattling away.
His leaving was slightly under a cloud, which was never properly explained to us at the time, so it was a very emotional time for those of us who worked closely with him.
Someday I'll search out the vinyl and have another listen.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:01 pm
by J.R.
PM wrote:Yes, it was a final recording at the end of the boys-only era, but was mainly intended as a tribute to Malcolm McKelvey, who was leaving after many years as Director of Music. He recorded an improvisation on the chapel organ, for example, based on the leavers' hymn "Lord thou hast brought us to our journey's end". He did a beautiful job of course, pacing the climaxes, building up to full organ and shaking the rafters...I was standing in the quad at the time, and the organ door was rattling away.
His leaving was slightly under a cloud, which was never properly explained to us at the time, so it was a very emotional time for those of us who worked closely with him.
Someday I'll search out the vinyl and have another listen.

You surprise me ! I remember him joining CH and always found him such a gentleman.

Hidden secrets ?

Skeletons in closets, perchance ?

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:07 pm
by cstegerlewis
I also am very surprised by that comment (and a little worried...) I was not aware of anything untoward about MJMcK?

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:42 pm
by PM
No...nothing untoward from Malcolm himself, always the most respectful and respected teacher. If I'm correct, it was an early retirement from CH, not exactly looked for by him. We got the feeling that he was being moved out against his wishes, and before his time... The fact that he continued to work as an organist/composer/musician for a further 21 years shows how wrong this supposition was.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:07 pm
by J.R.
PM wrote:No...nothing untoward from Malcolm himself, always the most respectful and respected teacher. If I'm correct, it was an early retirement from CH, not exactly looked for by him. We got the feeling that he was being moved out against his wishes, and before his time... The fact that he continued to work as an organist/composer/musician for a further 21 years shows how wrong this supposition was.
Thank God for that !

A great, great musician !

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:34 am
I don't think any of us can forget those cong pracs and he banging out on the piano in the aisle. It has been mentioned before but what a great Housey memory those sat cong pracs were.

His greatest legacy of course are his stars: Tambling, Hoskins, Hazlewood, Maxim, Bawtree and probably many more who shine in the music world.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:39 pm
Can I please re-open this Topic, but from a different era ?
the Director of Music, in my time was Dr Lang, an impressive figure, with University hood of green silk, embroidered with gold thread (From whence I know not )
The Choir Master in my church, knows if "Lang in D " and a Tuba Tune , which he is supposed to have written.
It appears, he was quite famous, in his time --- when did he leave ? and who succeeded him ?
Does anyone know ?

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 pm
by Music Grecian
Alan P5age wrote:Today at my local 2nd hand record shop I picked up a copy of "Christ's Hospital Chapel - Re-dedication Of The Organ Sunday 1st February 1981".
Service led by Rev. K.C. Oliver. Inside it was a little booklet detailing the organ's history with and introduction by Malcolm McKelvey.
I played the instrument under the tutelage of Malcolm McKelvey for 4 years. He was a great teacher & inspiration.
If Alan, or any other OB, still has an original of this I wonder if it might be possible to do a copy of it.
If copyright is a concern I shouldn't worry - I contacted CH to see if they still had a copy - afraid not was the reply but if somebody can do you a copy of it we'd be interested in having one as well!
Should you wish to PM me - please feel free.

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:05 pm
by DavidRawlins
NEILL THE NOTORIOUS wrote:Can I please re-open this Topic, but from a different era ?
the Director of Music, in my time was Dr Lang, an impressive figure, with University hood of green silk, embroidered with gold thread (From whence I know not )
The Choir Master in my church, knows if "Lang in D " and a Tuba Tune , which he is supposed to have written.
It appears, he was quite famous, in his time --- when did he leave ? and who succeeded him ?
Does anyone know ?
I think Rev Cochrane (Corks) succeeded Lang in 1946

Re: Music from Christ's Hospital 1985

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:26 pm
Now would he be the "Assistant" Director and Organist ? ----- I remember a Redhead of that ilk.

Apropos was " Bill Bailey's Band Better" It had a certain Clarinettist, (A.D.) who went on to better things, and a Cornet Player (NPE) who didn't !! :oops: